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We are proud to be recognized by some of the world's best luxury home publications

As Seen In:

Featured Publications:

the cover of a magazine titled diseno interior

Casa Aramara (2021)

515 m2 / 5,540 sq.ft.

Peninsula Papagayo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

a magazine called casaviva has a house on the cover

Villa Serena (2019)

620 m2 / 6,670 sq.ft..

Peninsula Papagayo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

the cover of a decor magazine with a picture of a woman on it

Casa Magayon (2016)

550 m2 / 5,920 sq.ft.

Peninsula Papagayo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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We have limited spots for a free 45-minute consultation with Roderick Anderson, our CEO & Design Director. Have any questions about how to get your project started? Click below to select a suitable time and book your call.

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a wooden deck with tables and chairs under an orange umbrella overlooking the ocean .
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